YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, AAT-käsite: biotekniikka
The study and practice of the application of engineering principles and techniques to biological and medical problems, such as the biosynthesis of animal and plant products, erosion control using live plants, and the design and production of artificial limbs and organs.
altLabel | bioteknik, bioteknologia |
cc | C20 kasvintuotanto, C30 kotielaintiede, C60 elintarviketieteet, C80 ymparistonsuojelu |
definedConcept | Y801 |
fte | biotechnology |
id | 300250623 |
kuvaus | The study and practice of the application of engineering principles and techniques to biological and medical problems, such as the biosynthesis of animal and plant products, erosion control using live plants, and the design and production of artificial limbs and organs. |
laajempi käsite | engineering |
liittyy | biofysiikka, biokemia, elintarviketekniikka |
nimi | bioengineering, biotechnology, biotekniikka, bioteknologi |
on sama kuin | p300250623 |
prefLabel | biotechnology, biotekniikka, bioteknologi |
related to | bioengineers, biotieteet |
rtx | alkionsiirto, elintarviketekniikka, meijeritekniikka, molekyylibiologia |
ufx | bioteknologia |
vastaa | biotekniikka, p2348 |
yläluokka | tekniikka |