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MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: kupolit


Use for small structures built on the ridges of roofs, particularly common in American architecture; when these structures are intended to be used as lookouts, prefer "belvederes"; for windowed superstructures on roofs or domes used to admit light or air to the space below, use "lanterns (roof appendages)"; for hemispherical roofs, use "domes."

Structural elements, usually resembling spheres or portions of spheres, constructed such that they exert equal thrust in all directions.

definedConcept Y8745
id 300001280, 300002230
kuvaus , Structural elements, usually resembling spheres or portions of spheres, constructed such that they exert equal thrust in all directions., Use for small structures built on the ridges of roofs, particularly common in American architecture; when these structures are intended to be used as lookouts, prefer "belvederes"; for windowed superstructures on roofs or domes used to admit light or air to the space below, use "lanterns (roof appendages)"; for hemispherical roofs, use "domes."
laajempi käsite domes and dome components, roof appendages, runkorakenteet
liittyy kupoli ~ arkkitehtuuri, parts of church exterior and annexes (with NAME)
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi cupolas, domes, kupoler, kupoli, kupolit
on sama kuin p300001280
prefLabel cupolas, kupoler, kupolit
suppeampi käsite keskikupolit, puolikupolit, sipulikupolit, välikattokupolit
vastaa kupoli, kupolit, p17366, p300002230
yläluokka runkorakenteet

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