MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: kartastot
Volumes of maps, with or without descriptive text, which may be issued to supplement or accompany texts or be published independently.
Male figures used as supports or apparent supports.
altLabel | atlakset, atlaser |
definedConcept | Y1824 |
id | 300001574, 300028053 |
kuvaus | , Male figures used as supports or apparent supports., Volumes of maps, with or without descriptive text, which may be issued to supplement or accompany texts or be published independently. |
laajempi käsite | anthropomorphic supporting elements, cartographic materials |
liittyy | kartat, kartat, kartastot |
luoja | Museoalan asiasanasto |
nimi | atlantes, atlases, kartasto, kartastot, kartverk |
on sama kuin | p300001574 |
prefLabel | atlases, kartastot, kartverk |
vastaa | kartasto, kartastot, p300028053, p5366 |
yläluokka | kuvateokset |