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Karttahaku ja selailu Yhteyshaku Hae ja jäsennä Kokoelmat Suomen historia Taidot Elämäkerrat Kalevala Karjala


käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite: kaislat


definedConcept Y15229
liittyy Aesculapius in the shape of a serpent (or dragon) arrives at Rome and hides himself among the reeds of the Tiber island, Christ, lying on or dragged across a flight of steps, is maltreated in Pilate's presence (breaking of the reed), Ezekiel and the angel with a measuring reed in the temple, Jochebed makes an ark (or basket) of bulrushes daubed with pitch and puts Moses in it, John the Baptist; possible attributes: book, reed cross, baptismal cup, honeycomb, lamb, staff, Midas' barber, unable to keep the secret of Midas' ass's ears, whispers it into a hole in the ground; reeds grow from this hole and disclose Midas' secret to all the world when moved by the wind, Moses (alone) in the bulrushes, Pan leikkaa ruokoja ja tekee niistä pan-huilun (Panin huilun) eli syrinksin, Psyche, being directed by the reeds, collects the golden wool from the sheep, Syrinx changed into a reed: while fleeing from Pan, the nymph Syrinx is changed into reed by her sisters, the Naiads (Ovid, Metamorphoses I 705), orjantappurakruunaus: kepein varustautuneet sotilaat asettavat orjantappurakruunun Kristuksen päähän panevat ruokokepin hänen käteensä (Matt. 27:27-31; Mark. 15:16-20; Joh. 19:2-3), plants and herbs: reed, reed ~ instruments of the Passion, reeds, rushes ~ arts, reeds, rushes ~ building material, reeds, rushes ~ crafts and industries, reeds, rushes ~ ornaments
nimi kaisla, kaislat, säv
on sama kuin Kaisla
prefLabel kaislat, säv
vastaa kaisla, kaislat, p7042
yläluokka sarakasvit

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