MAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, AAT-käsite: torpat
Small writing cabinets of table height with drawers in the support and a flap top with drop leaves; of a type invented in late 18th-century England by the Reverend Sir Herbert Croft.
Small farmhouses common in Scotland, typically one or one and one-half stories, constructed of stone and thatching.
AAT-näkymä | Paikka, miljöö |
Kaunokki-tunnus | 44052 |
definedConcept | Y18298 |
id | 300039457, 300262530 |
koodi | 44052 |
kuuluu sanastoon | kaunokki-ontologia |
kuvaus | , Small farmhouses common in Scotland, typically one or one and one-half stories, constructed of stone and thatching., Small writing cabinets of table height with drawers in the support and a flap top with drop leaves; of a type invented in late 18th-century England by the Reverend Sir Herbert Croft. |
laajempi käsite | maalaistalot, writing tables |
liittyy | maanvuokraus, maatila, sotilastorpat, torpparilaitos, torpparit |
luoja | Museoalan asiasanasto |
nimi | croft houses, crofts, torp, torpat |
on sama kuin | p300262530 |
prefLabel | crofts, torp, torpat |
related to | omakotitalo, mökki |
vastaa | keyword174340216415, p11014, p300039457, torpat |
yläluokka | asuinrakennukset, rakennukset rakennustyypin mukaan |