käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: teoria
Body of generalizations and principles developed in association with practice in a field of activity and forming its content as an intellectual discipline.
definedConcept | Y14095 |
id | 300055880 |
kuvaus | Body of generalizations and principles developed in association with practice in a field of activity and forming its content as an intellectual discipline. |
laajempi käsite | multidisciplinary concepts |
liittyy | Teoria; 'Theoria' (Ripa), cosmological theories, epistemologia, joukko-oppi, kvanttiteoria, käytäntö, musical theory, suhteellisuusteoria, taideteoria, theoretical instruction ~ military training, theory, theoretical approach ~ scientific research |
nimi | teori, teoria, theory |
on sama kuin | Teoria |
prefLabel | teori, teoria |
vastaa | p300055880, p9641, teoria, teoria |
yläluokka | teoriat |