MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, AAT-käsite: siilot
Use for tall, usually cylindrical, structures in which animal feed is stored and which are normally sealed to exclude air and promote fermentation of green fodder (silage) without spoilage.
Use for underground structures hardened against attack and designed for the storage and firing of missiles.
agcx | silos |
cc | C40 maataloustekniikka, C60 elintarviketieteet |
definedConcept | Y10219 |
id | 300005024, 300006953 |
kuvaus | , Use for tall, usually cylindrical, structures in which animal feed is stored and which are normally sealed to exclude air and promote fermentation of green fodder (silage) without spoilage., Use for underground structures hardened against attack and designed for the storage and firing of missiles. |
laajempi käsite | food storage structures, military deployment and distribution buildings |
liittyy | large-scale structure for storage, e.g.: warehouse, depot, silo, storing in silo ~ harvest, säiliöt, talousrakennukset, varastot |
luoja | Museoalan asiasanasto |
nimi | missile silos, siilo, siilot, silor, silos |
on sama kuin | p300006953 |
prefLabel | siilot, silor, silos |
related to | storage facilities, underground structures |
rtx | varastot |
vastaa | p11070, p300005024, siilo, siilot, siilot |
yläluokka | säiliöt |