MAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, AAT-käsite: seokset
Mechanical combinations of two or more substances in no definite proportions, within which the constituent substances retain their individual properties and are separable by ordinary physical means. For complex pure substances made up of two or more elements in definite proportions which lose their individual properties and are held together by chemical bonds, use "compounds."
Mixture of the unmelted raw materials, such as sand and cullet, properly proportioned and ready for fusion into glass.
cc | C10 yleiset, C22 viljely |
definedConcept | Y18287 |
fte | mixes, mixtures |
id | 300233419, 300246925 |
kuvaus | , Mechanical combinations of two or more substances in no definite proportions, within which the constituent substances retain their individual properties and are separable by ordinary physical means. For complex pure substances made up of two or more elements in definite proportions which lose their individual properties and are held together by chemical bonds, use "compounds.", Mixture of the unmelted raw materials, such as sand and cullet, properly proportioned and ready for fusion into glass. |
laajempi käsite | glassmaking mixtures, materials by physical form |
lisätiedot | eri ainesten yhdistelmä, jossa ainekset säilyvät kemiallisilta ominaisuuksiltaan muuttumattomina |
luoja | Museoalan asiasanasto |
nimi | batch, blandningar, mixtures, seokset |
on sama kuin | Seokset, p300233419 |
prefLabel | blandningar, mixtures, seokset |
related to | compounds |
rtx | lajikoostumus, seosviljely |
vastaa | p13887, p300246925, seokset, seokset |
yläluokka | aine rakenteen mukaan |
ysoSource | Kielitoimiston sanakirja |