TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, AAT-käsite: laadunvalvonta
Selecting the quality standards required for a project, and monitoring the properties of the finished work to assure compliance with those standards. For the concept of inherent merit, worthiness, or excellence in the context of aesthetic judgment, use "quality."
agcx | quality controls |
altLabel | laadunohjaus |
cc | C10 yleiset, C60 elintarviketieteet |
definedConcept | Y2593 |
fte | quality control, quality controls |
id | 300056087 |
kuvaus | Selecting the quality standards required for a project, and monitoring the properties of the finished work to assure compliance with those standards. For the concept of inherent merit, worthiness, or excellence in the context of aesthetic judgment, use "quality." |
laajempi käsite | business-related functions |
liittyy | CE-merkintä, laadunvarmistus, laatujärjestelmät, laatutyö, tuotekehitys, tuoteturvallisuus, tuotevalvonta, tuotevastuu |
nimi | kvalitetskontroll, laadunvalvonta, quality control |
prefLabel | kvalitetskontroll, laadunvalvonta, quality control |
related to | laatu |
rtx | elintarvikevalvonta, laatu, laatujärjestelmät, omavalvonta, sadon laatu, sertifiointi, valvonta |
ufx | laadunohjaus, laaduntarkkailu |
vastaa | laadunvalvonta, laadunvalvonta, p2720, p300056087 |
yläluokka | valvonta kohteen mukaan |