YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: pigmentti
Refers to any relatively insoluble organic, inorganic, natural or artificial substance that imparts a color to another substance or mixture and always appears as the same specific color when viewed in white light. It is the constituent of paint or ink that provides the color.
definedConcept | Y12592 |
id | 300013109 |
kuvaus | Refers to any relatively insoluble organic, inorganic, natural or artificial substance that imparts a color to another substance or mixture and always appears as the same specific color when viewed in white light. It is the constituent of paint or ink that provides the color. |
laajempi käsite | colorant |
liittyy | iho |
lisätiedot | biol. elävissä soluissa tav. pieninä jyväsinä esiintyvä väriaine |
nimi | pigment, pigmentering, pigmentti |
prefLabel | pigment, pigmentering, pigmentti |
vastaa | p1768, p300013109 |
yläluokka | orgaaninen rakenne |
ysoSource | Kielitoimiston sanakirja |