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YSO-käsite, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: hyperbelit


Plane curves of two equal branches, produced when cones are cut by planes that make a larger angle with the base than the side of the cone Oxford English Reference Dictionary (1996)

Iconclass-tunnus 49 D 37 3
definedConcept Y7633
id 300163048
kuvaus Plane curves of two equal branches, produced when cones are cut by planes that make a larger angle with the base than the side of the cone Oxford English Reference Dictionary (1996)
laajempi käsite conic section (~ planimetry, geometry), plane figures
nimi hyperbelit, hyperbler, hyperbola, hyperbolas
on sama kuin not 49D373
prefLabel hyperbelit, hyperbler, hyperbolas
vastaa p20183, p300163048
yläluokka matemaattiset menetelmät

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