käsite, YSO-käsite, YSO-koostekäsite, Avainsana, AAT-käsite: kielitiede
Scientific study of language as a system, covering the structure, sounds, and meaning, as well as the history of the relations of languages to each other and the cultural place of language in human behavior.
altLabel | lingvistiikka |
definedConcept | Y2057, p17032 |
id | 300054245 |
kuvaus | Scientific study of language as a system, covering the structure, sounds, and meaning, as well as the history of the relations of languages to each other and the cultural place of language in human behavior. |
laajempi käsite | linguistics and related disciplines |
liittyy | filologia, kielifilosofia, kielitypologia, linguistics |
nimi | kielitiede, linguistics, språkvetenskap |
prefLabel | kielitiede, linguistics, språkvetenskap |
related to | kielitieteilijät |
vastaa | kielitiede, p1631, p17032 |
yläluokka | ihmistieteet |