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Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: animated cartoon


Refers to a series of drawings that show successive phases of an action in order to produce the illusion of movement. The drawings are typically photographed on film or drawn directly on film and projected, or manually flipped as a series of pages, with the effect of simulating movement of the objects and figures depicted in the drawings.

Iconclass-tunnus 48 C 87 34
id 300263512
kuvaus Refers to a series of drawings that show successive phases of an action in order to produce the illusion of movement. The drawings are typically photographed on film or drawn directly on film and projected, or manually flipped as a series of pages, with the effect of simulating movement of the objects and figures depicted in the drawings.
laajempi käsite drawings by material or technique, genres ~ film
liittyy making an animated cartoon
nimi animated cartoon, animated cartoons
on sama kuin not 48C8734
related to animation cels, moving images

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