AAT-käsite: urban management
Refers to the overall management of urban areas, encompassing the setting of objectives for urban life, the establishment of policies, and the planning, development, operation, and maintenance of the urban environment and services. For the field of planning concerned with designing and improving the spatial organization and content of urban areas, use "city planning."
distinguished from | suunnittelu |
id | 300254022 |
kuvaus | Refers to the overall management of urban areas, encompassing the setting of objectives for urban life, the establishment of policies, and the planning, development, operation, and maintenance of the urban environment and services. For the field of planning concerned with designing and improving the spatial organization and content of urban areas, use "city planning." |
laajempi käsite | julkinen hallinto |
nimi | urban management |
practitioners students | urban managers |
related to | urban studies |