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AAT-käsite: sarods


Plucked lutelike chordophones of the northern Indian subcontinent with four or five melody strings, three to six drone strings, and 11 to 16 sympathetic strings, all of metal, a broad, unfretted metal-covered neck, and a bowl-shaped skin-covered soundbox; often a small second resonator of metal, wood, or gourd is fixed behind the pegbox. They are played with a triangular wood plectrum.

id 300217318
kuvaus Plucked lutelike chordophones of the northern Indian subcontinent with four or five melody strings, three to six drone strings, and 11 to 16 sympathetic strings, all of metal, a broad, unfretted metal-covered neck, and a bowl-shaped skin-covered soundbox; often a small second resonator of metal, wood, or gourd is fixed behind the pegbox. They are played with a triangular wood plectrum.
laajempi käsite lutelike chordophones with long neck: plucked
nimi sarods
related to drone strings, melody strings, sympathetic strings

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