AAT-käsite: sleds
Use for small vehicles consisting of a platform mounted on parallel runners for transporting goods or passengers over snow or ice and usually pulled by hand or operating by gravity; for similar, but usually more elaborate, vehicles used primarily for passengers and normally pulled by horses, use "sleighs" or, if pulled by dogs, use "dogsleds."
distinguished from | reet |
id | 300216402 |
kuvaus | Use for small vehicles consisting of a platform mounted on parallel runners for transporting goods or passengers over snow or ice and usually pulled by hand or operating by gravity; for similar, but usually more elaborate, vehicles used primarily for passengers and normally pulled by horses, use "sleighs" or, if pulled by dogs, use "dogsleds." |
laajempi käsite | runnered vehicles |
nimi | sleds |
related to | bobsleds, dogsleds, luges |