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AAT-käsite: art objects


Use for works of the fine or decorative arts when their qualities as discrete and coherent individual objects are emphasized, e.g., in relation to conservation or inventorying. When the aesthetic nature of works is emphasized, use "works of art." When referring to the study or practice of the fine arts or the fine and decorative arts together, use "art."

distinguished from taide
id 300133005
kuvaus Use for works of the fine or decorative arts when their qualities as discrete and coherent individual objects are emphasized, e.g., in relation to conservation or inventorying. When the aesthetic nature of works is emphasized, use "works of art." When referring to the study or practice of the fine arts or the fine and decorative arts together, use "art."
laajempi käsite object genres by cultural or intellectual valuation
nimi art objects
related to works of art

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