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Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: necklaces


Ornaments worn around the neck, usually in the form of chains or strands of beads, pearls, stones, or the like, and often including a suspended ornamental pendant. Use "chokers" for short, narrow necklaces worn close to the throat. Use "dog collars (necklaces)" for wide ornamental bands worn tightly around the neck.

Iconclass-tunnus 41 D 26 61
id 300046001
kuvaus Ornaments worn around the neck, usually in the form of chains or strands of beads, pearls, stones, or the like, and often including a suspended ornamental pendant. Use "chokers" for short, narrow necklaces worn close to the throat. Use "dog collars (necklaces)" for wide ornamental bands worn tightly around the neck.
laajempi käsite jewelry worn around the neck or on the upper body, koristeet, korut, jalokivet
nimi necklace, necklaces
on sama kuin not 41D2661
related to pendants
suppeampi käsite pearl; pearl necklace, pendant, trinket, 'breloque'

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