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AAT-käsite: caudle cups


Small unspouted cups with two vertical handles and usually a cover with a finial used to drink caudle; especially popular in the late 17th and the 18th centuries and typically made of silver. Formerly known as posset pots or in England as porringers. For similar forms having a spout, use "spout cups."

id 300043213
kuvaus Small unspouted cups with two vertical handles and usually a cover with a finial used to drink caudle; especially popular in the late 17th and the 18th centuries and typically made of silver. Formerly known as posset pots or in England as porringers. For similar forms having a spout, use "spout cups."
laajempi käsite cups by function
nimi caudle cups
related to porringers, posset pots, spout cups, two-handled cups

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