'tashlikh', symbolic ceremony of casting the sins into the water ~ Jewish New Year,
(playing with) toys ~ water,
Kristuksen ihmeteot ~ vesi,
Minerva throws the flute away after having seen her face mirrored in the water,
Moses lifts up his rod and the water divides (Red Sea); the angel of God and the pillar of cloud move to the rear,
Polymnestor kills Polydorus and throws him into the water,
Pyhä Kristoforos, Jeesus-lapsi olkapäillään, kahlaa veden läpi ja kantaa matkasauvaansa (palmu-puu); toisinaan kauempana rannalla kappelin vierellä seisoo erakko, lyhty kädessään,
St. Pantaleon is thrown into the water with a millstone round his neck,
accidental death ~ water,
appearance of Christ at the Lake of Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee, Sea of Tiberias): miraculous draught of fishes (after the Resurrection),
course of waters,
creation of the firmament and division of the waters above and below it,
gathering of the waters below the firmament; dry land appears and produces all kinds of plants,
ihmisruumiin liikkeet vedessä,
liikenne vedessä,
sports, etc. in and on the water,
the Four Crowned Martyrs are shut in leaden coffins and thrown into the water,
the body of St. John Nepomuk floats in the water with a mysterious light of five stars above it,
the spirit of God moves upon the waters,
to select an army for a raid against the Midianites Gideon sends away the fearful and brings the remaining ten thousand men to the water,
vesiaiheet puutarhassa,
vesien jumalat: vanhempi dynastia (ensimmäinen sarja): Pontuksen jälkeläiset ja merihirviöt,
vesien jumalat: vanhempi dynastia (toinen sarja): Oceanuksen (Okeanos) lapset, jokien ja pienten vesien jumaluudet,
vesien luominen ~ klassinen mytologia,
violent death ~ water,
warfare ~ water, along a river, on a shore,
when the waters recede, the body of St. Clement is recovered in a submarine chapel built by angels,
with his people safe on the shore, Moses raises his hands and causes the water to return; Pharaoh's army perishes in the water (Red Sea),
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