'Artes Mechanicae' (Lanificium, Armatura, Navigatio, Agricultura, Venatio, Medicina, Theatrica),
'Hoshana Rabba' (seventh day of the 'Sukkot' festival),
'Wisdom has built her house, she has set up her seven pillars' ~ the setting-up of the seven pillars of the house of Wisdom,
'menorah', golden seven-branched candlestick, kept in the Tabernacle,
(group of) the Seven Deadly Sins (symbolized),
(story of) Anacharsis, one of the Seven Sages,
(story of) Bias, one of the Seven Sages,
Ahasuerus orders his seven eunuchs to bring in Queen Vashti,
Balaam commands seven altars, seven bulls and seven rams to be prepared for a sacrifice in the presence of King Balak,
Balaam sacrificing the seven bulls and the seven rams in the presence of King Balak,
David hands seven descendants of Saul over to the Gibeonites,
Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar silently sit on the ground with Job for seven days,
God rests on the seventh day,
Hugh (Hugo), bishop of Grenoble (often dressed as Carthusian); possible attributes: seven stars,
Jacob works as a herdsman for seven years in exchange for Rachel,
Jacob works for Laban seven more years,
Job's children, seven sons and three daughters,
John's letters to the seven churches,
Kreikan seitsemän viisasta: Bias, Khilon, Kleobulos, Periandros (tai Myson), Pittakos, Solon, Thales,
Mary pierced by seven swords,
Moses at a well meets the seven daughters of Jethro, the priest of Midian,
Naaman comes to the Jordan, dips himself seven times and is cured,
Plejadit (Vergiliae), Atlaksen tyttäret,
Seitsemän kuolemansyntiä (persofinioituna),
Seven Maccabees,
St. Felicity and her seven sons are brought before the judge and condemned to death,
a candlestick of gold, with a bowl on top and seven lamps, and an olive-tree on either side (Zechariah 4),
after marching for seven days the armies run out of water ~ war against Moab,
after the furnace has been heated seven times more, the three Hebrews are bound and thrown into the fire; their executioners are burnt by the flames,
auringolla vaatetettu vaimo, raskaana oleva nainen ilmestyy, pukunaan aurinko, kuu jalkojen alla; häntä uhkaa punainen lohikäärme, jolla on pitkä häntä ja seitsemän päätä,
cabalistic ritual of inviting to the 'sukkah' the Seven Heavenly Guests (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, David),
days of the week,
death of Tobit: on his deathbed he speaks to Tobias and his seven sons (Tobit 14),
each of the seven gates of Thebes is apportioned to one of the Argive chiefs,
extended representations of 'Anna selbdritt' (Joseph and Joachim, three husbands, three daughters with seven children),
first dream of Pharaoh: seven fat cows are devoured by seven lean cows ~ story of Joseph,
history of the world divided into seven epochs from Adam to the end of the world,
human life divided into stages, e.g. three, four, seven, twelve stages (with NUMBER),
numerals: 7,
purppuraan puettu nainen, Babylonin portto; hän istuu yleensä purppuranpunaisen pedon selässä, tällä on seitsemän päätä ja kymmenen sarvea,
sabbatical year, 'Shemittah' (every seventh year) ~ Jewish religion,
second dream of Pharaoh: seven thin ears of corn devouring seven full ones ~ story of Joseph,
seitsemän arkkienkeliä,
seitsemän figuuria,
seitsemän lampunjalkaa, Kristus (Jumala) ilmestyy seitsemän kultajalkaisen kynttilälampun ympäröimänä Johannekselle, joka polvistuu maahan; Kristuksen suusta pistää ulos miekka ja hän pitelee seitsemää tähteä käsissään,
seitsemän prismaattista väriä, sateenkaaren värit,
seitsemän sakramenttia (roomalais-katolinen kirkko),
sepulchral monument of the Maccabees: seven pyramids (1 Maccabees 13:25-30),
seven bulls, seven rams, seven lambs and seven goats are offered; the people sing and the priests play trumpets, harps and cymbals ~ story of Hezekiah,
seven deacons chosen, among them Stephen, who may be shown kneeling before Peter ~ community of disciples (Acts 6:1-6),
seven exorcists, sons of Sceva, are beaten by a man with an evil spirit, and flee,
seven miracles of assistance ~ story of Elisha (Eliseus),
temple of 'Sapientia', with seven columns,
the (Seven) Joys of Mary,
the (Seven) Sorrows of Mary,
the (seven) spiritual Acts of Mercy,
the Athenian youths draw lots for the yearly tribute to Crete: seven youths and seven maidens to be devoured by the Minotaur,
the Lamb with the seven horns and the seven eyes,
the Seven Bleedings of Christ,
the Seven Refuges,
the Seven Sleepers (children) of Ephesus; possible attributes: shepherd's pouch (bag), shepherd's crook,
the Seven Virtues (symbolized),
the Seven Wonders of the World,
the Seven against Thebes: the first Theban war,
the book with the seven seals enthroned ~ Revelation of John,
the evil spirit Asmodeus kills Sarah's seven husbands,
the founder of the Order of the Carthusians, Bruno; possible attributes: cross, finger at lips, lily, mitre at his feet, olive-branch, ray of light, skull, (seven) star(s),
the leopard-like beast with seven heads comes out of the sea and is worshipped together with the dragon,
the martyrdom of the seven Maccabean brothers and their mother under Antiochus IV Epiphanes (2 Maccabees 7),
the sarcophagus of Numa is found on the Janiculum together with another sarcophagus containing seven Latin books on sacred law and seven Greek books (which are burned in public),
the seven angels with the seven vials, bringing disasters and destruction upon the earth and mankind,
the seven angels with trumpets ~ Revelation of John,
the seven churches ~ Revelation of John,
the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost,
the seven gifts of the body ('les dons du corps'),
the seven gifts of the soul ('les dons de l'esprit'),
the seven sons of St. Felicity are beheaded; Felicity may be shown comforting them, or she is beheaded also,
the seven years of famine (alleg.),
the seven years of plenty (alleg.),
the seven-branched candlestick ~ temple of Solomon,
the stone with seven eyes ~ visions of Zechariah,
the vision of the Lamb and the book with the seven seals,
the vision of the seven stars: they announce to St. Hugh of Grenoble the arrival of St. Bruno the Carthusian and his six companions,
the widow and martyr Felicity (Felicitas) of Rome; possible attributes: book, heads of her seven sons on plate or sword's blade, palm-branch, seven sons,
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