(group of) the Seven Deadly Sins (symbolized),
(miespuolisten) noitien ryhmät,
Christ-child together with others,
Death dancing with more than one human being,
Elijah and Elisha pass by the cities of Bethel and Jericho and at both places they meet a group of young prophets,
Juno, Minerva and Neptune, possibly also the other Olympians except Vesta, try to overpower Jupiter and bind him,
Madonna (muiden henkilöiden ympäröimänä),
Mary (without Christ-child), together with others,
Minerva in contest with Neptune for Athens: Minerva creates the olive-tree, Neptune the horse; Jupiter and other Olympians look on,
Olympoksen jumalat yhdessä: Jupiter, Juno, Neptunus, Ceres, Apollo, Diana, Mars, Venus, Merkurius, Minerva, Vulkanus, Vesta (tai Bacchus),
Rezon becomes leader of a gang,
Vanhan Testamentin henkilöryhmät,
abstract concept represented by two or more figures side by side (not involved in an action),
adult Christ together with others (non-narrative representations),
allegorical scene, i.e. two or more personifications involved in an action,
anonymous historical persons portrayed in a group, in a group-portrait,
assembling, 'départ pour la chasse',
balettiryhmä; tanssijat näyttämöllä,
child(ren) with one or both parents and one or more members of the preceding generation (family group),
child(ren) with other members of the family,
communities, groups (with NAME),
family group, especially parents with their child(ren),
four persons or more ~ traffic and transport,
group games, party games,
group of actors, troupe; actors on the stage,
group of female saints,
group of professors,
group of scholars or philosophers,
group of various animals tormented,
group of various hunted animals,
group of various hunted mammals,
group-portrait of hunters,
groups of animals,
groups of birds,
groups of fabulous animals,
groups of fabulous lower plants,
groups of fabulous plants (herbs),
groups of fabulous shrubs,
groups of fabulous trees,
groups of lower plants,
groups of mammals,
groups of plants (herbs),
groups of shrubs,
herd, group of animals,
herd, group of animals,
herd, group of animals,
herd, group of animals,
herd, group of animals,
historialliset henkilöt,
kaksi tai useampi muusikko soittamassa,
kaksitoista apostolia (ryhmänä), yleensä kirjojen tai kirjakääröjen kanssa (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä),
labourers going to work,
naispuoliset pyhimykset,
noitien ryhmät,
outdoor gathering, 'délices à la campagne',
person addressing a group, orator,
persons from the New Testament (in general, especially groups),
profeetat ryhmänä, pidellen yleensä kirjoja tai kirjakääröjä (Jesaja, Jeremias, Hesekiel, Daniel, Hoosea, Jooel, Aamos, Obadja, Joona, Miika, Naahum, Habakuk, Sefanja, Haggai, Sakarja, Malakia),
pyhiinvaellus, pyhiinvaeltaja(t) matkalla,
revolutionary committee, rebel group,
small groups in single combat in place of battle,
the seizure of Job's camels by three bands of Chaldeans,
to catch, to touch, in groups ~ children's games,
yli kahdeksan figuuria