Absalom, put to flight on a mule, remains hanging by his hair in an oak-tree,
Aeneas affixes the 'Golden Bough' to the threshold of Pluto's palace,
Cercopes (monkey-like beings) are slung upside down on a pole and carried away by Hercules, because they had tried to steal his weapons,
Holofernes' head is hung on the city wall,
Jupiter punishing Juno: she is hung up from the sky with an anvil at her ankles,
Nicanor's head and hand hung near Jerusalem,
Oedipus is exposed: his feet are pierced and he is suspended from a tree,
Phlegyas in Tartarus with a huge stone hanging over his head,
St. George is hung upside down above a fire,
St. Juliana, hung up naked by the hair, is beaten and overthrown with boiling oil,
animal hanging upside down,
animal hanging upside down,
animal hanging upside down,
animal hanging upside down,
animal hanging upside down,
death of Polycrates: he is murdered, and his dead body is hung on a cross,
hanging animal,
hanging animal,
hanging animal,
hanging animal,
hanging animal,
hanging clothes,
hanging figure (by the arms, legs, etc.),
hanging the wash to dry,
man hanging from a branch above a pit ~ scene symbolizing 'Vanitas',
remaining suspended (movement in water),
representations of the parable of the frailty of human happiness: a man pursued by a unicorn clings to a tree in which there is a beehive dripping honey; a white and a black rat gnaw at the roots of a tree, and below yawns a chasm in which a monster lies in wait for him,
the Cumaean Sibyl, having spurned Apollo, becomes hideously old: when reduced to a tiny thing she is hung up in a bottle and becomes a mere voice,
the Philistines fasten the bodies of Saul and his sons to the walls of Beth-shan