' one knows the Son except the Father...' ~ sayings of Christ (Matthew 11:27),
'Pius Aeneas': Aeneas pakenee palavasta Troijasta, taluttaen poikaansa Ascaniusta ja kantaen selässään isäänsä Anchisesta Penateksen kanssa; hänen vaimonsa Creusa, joka lähtee heidän mukanaan, katoaa matkalla,
'he who loves his son will whip him often' ~ father spanking his son,
'honour your father and your mother' ~ separate representation of the fifth of the ten commandments,
'our Father which art in heaven' ~ the Lord's prayer,
A. Postumius Tubertus has his son decapitated for fighting against his orders,
Abraham as father of all believers,
Aeolus kills Canace,
Alcon shoots the serpent that was coiling around his son, without harming the child,
Antiochus I (Soter) and Stratonice: by taking Antiochus' pulse when Stratonice enters the room, the physician discovers that the love for his stepmother is the cause of his illness (King Seleucus subsequently hands his kingdom and his wife over to his son),
Athamas kills his son Learchus,
Athamas with his children by Nephele, Phrixus and Helle, before the priest,
Atreus' banquet: Thyestes is served with the flesh of his own sons,
C. Furius Cressinus, accused of witchcraft before a tribunal by neighbours who were jealous of his success in cultivating his land, appeals to his wife, his daughter, his agricultural tools and his oxen,
Cain and Abel learn to assist their father; Cain by farming, Abel by herding,
Comaetho, daughter of Pterelaus, king of the Teleboans, cuts off her father's golden lock of hair, for the love of Amphitryon,
Daidaloksen ja Ikaroksen lento,
David consoles himself over Amnon's death and longs for Absalom,
Emperor Septimius Severus upbraids his son Caracalla for having attempted to murder him, and handing over a sword enjoins him to try again,
Erigone, led by the faithful dog Maera, discovers the grave of her father Icarius,
Erysichthon, having squandered all his possessions, is supported by his daughter Metra, who lets herself be sold in various forms,
Evilmerodach tearing to pieces the corpse of his father,
Ezekiel's parable of the just father, his wicked son and just grandson (Ezekiel 18),
Hector's farewell to his wife Andromache and his young son Astyanax,
Hercules kills his wife Megara and his children,
Idomeneus had vowed to sacrifice the first creature he would meet in Crete should he return safely; on arrival this proves to be his son,
Iisakin uhraus (Genesis 22),
Io is petted by Inachus, her father, and by her sisters,
Jacob blesses his sons,
Jacob reproving his sons,
Jesse brings David (who was herding the sheep) before Samuel,
Jesse sends his son David to Saul,
Job and his three fair daughters,
Job offers a sacrifice to purify his children,
King Ahaz burns his own son as a sacrificial offering,
King Astyages forces Harpagus to eat the flesh of his own son, because he had disobeyed the king's orders in not putting to death the infant Cyrus,
L. Junius Brutus has his two sons beheaded because they joined a conspiracy,
Lamech kills Cain: Cain is accidentally shot dead by an arrow of the blind Lamech, who is assisted in the hunt by his son Tubalcain,
Leonidas, King of Sparta, denounces his son-in-law Cleombrotus, who is sheltering in the temple of Neptune, of usurping the kingdom; Chilonis, holding her child, begs her father for mercy,
Loot ja hänen tyttärensä (Genesis 19:30-38),
Lucretia committing suicide in the presence of her husband, her father, and L.J. Brutus swearing revenge,
Lycurgus puts his own son to death, mistaking him for vine shoots, and prunes the corpse of its limbs,
Manasseh sacrifices his own son as a burnt offering,
Marcus Oppius saves his aged father from the proscriptions of the Triumvirate by carrying him out of the city on his back,
Mattathias on his deathbed instructing his sons (1 Maccabees 2:49-70),
Me(s)tra changed into various forms: to support her famished father Erysichthon, Me(s)tra changes herself into various forms (Ovid, Metamorphoses VIII 872),
Metabus, Camilla's father, with the enemy almost upon him, throws the baby Camilla, lashed on his spear, over the river Amasenus and invokes Diana's help,
Minyas' daughters changed into bats: having aroused Bacchus' anger by weaving instead of worshipping him, the daughters of Minyas, Leuconoe (Leucippe), Alcithoe and Arsippe, are changed into bats by the god (Ovid, Metamorphoses IV 399),
Myrrha (Smyrna) falls in love with her father Cinyras as punishment for refusing to honour Venus,
Oedipus meets his father Laius, who is on a journey to Delphi; as Oedipus refuses to move aside for his carriage, a quarrel arises,
Pero imettää Cimonia ('Caritas romana'),
Pharaoh mourning his dead son ~ the tenth plague,
Polyphontes kills Cresphontes and two of the latter's sons, and forces Merope to marry him,
Priamos lunastaa Hektorin ruumiin (Ilias XXIV),
Quintus Fabius Maximus on horseback visits his son and namesake in the camp; when ordered by the latter to dismount he submits cheerfully,
Saturn devouring his children,
Saul offers David his daughter Michal in marriage,
Saul offers David his oldest daughter Merab in marriage,
Saul's body,
Scipio retrieves his wounded father Cornelius Scipio from the battle-field of Ticinus,
Scylla pulls out her father's purple (or golden) lock of hair while he is asleep,
Simeon and Levi bring the wounded son before Pharaoh,
Simon Maccabeus and two of his sons killed at a banquet (1 Maccabees 16:15-17),
St. Benedict receives his pupils St. Maurus and St. Placidus, presented to him by their fathers,
St. Francis of Assisi rejects his earthly heritage; standing before the bishop he gives his fine clothes to his father; the bishop covers Francis with his cloak,
St. Joseph as foster-father of Christ, holding the child in his arms or leading him by the hand,
St. Julian slaying his father and mother lying in bed,
Telemachus and Ulysses meet in Eumaeus' hut (Homer, Odyssey XVI),
Torquatus has his son beheaded because he has fought an enemy in single combat against the strict orders of his father,
Tullia drives her chariot over the dead body of her father Servius Tullius,
Ulysses with his father Laertes,
Zedekiah's sons are put to death while he looks on,
banquet of Tantalus: he offers to the gods the flesh of his son Pelops, whom he had cut into pieces,
benediction by the father ~ initiation of Jewish boy,
blessing of the children by the father of the family ~ Sabbath,
child(ren) with one or both parents and one or more members of the preceding generation (family group),
death of Eudamidas: on his deathbed, having no money, he entrusts his mother and daughter to the good care of his two friends; the testament of Eudamidas,
death of Ino: she leaps with Melicertes from a rock into the sea, to escape Athamas,
death of Leucothea: she is buried alive by her father because Clytie disclosed her intrigue with Apollo,
death of Mithridates the Great: after having been betrayed by his son Pharnaces, he and his wife Hypsicratea commit suicide,
death of Scylurus: the Scythian king, on his deathbed, enjoins his eighty sons to break a bundle of rods (or arrows) tied together; when they can't do this, he breaks the rods one by one, thus teaching them that united they will be strong, divided weak,
death of T. Jubellius Taurea: he courageously kills his wife and children, and finally himself, before the tribunal of Fulvius Flaccus, to show that he prefers to die rather than benefit from the clemency of the Senate,
death of Tobit: on his deathbed he speaks to Tobias and his seven sons (Tobit 14),
death of Ulysses: he is killed by Telegonus, who fails to recognize his father,
death of Virginia: she is stabbed to death by her father, the centurion Virginius, in order to save her from the lust of Appius Claudius, who had her falsely claimed as a slave and was giving judgement in her case,
dispute between St. Barbara and her father Dioscuros,
fable of the Father, Son and Ass,
father and child(ren), man and child(ren) (family group),
father of the ruler,
isä (perheen ensimmäisen asteen sukulaissuhteet),
journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, first son of Joseph present,
judgement of Cambyses: he appoints Sisamnes' son to succeed his father, whose skin is nailed onto the judgement-seat (possibly flaying of Sisamnes visible),
kolme Horatiusta vannovat valan isänsä edessä,
man presenting his fiancée to his parents,
most important deeds: the quest of Theonoe, Thestor's daughter, and sister to Calchas,
the Vestal virgin Claudia throws herself between her father and a tribune, who wanted to drag her father from his triumphal chariot,
the flight into Egypt: the first son of Joseph leading the ass,
the judgement of Zaleucus: when Zaleucus' son is sentenced to be blinded in both eyes, Zaleucus has one of his son's eyes plucked out and one of his own,
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