Iconclass-luokkakäsite: Arethusa changed into a fountain: Diana changes her attendant Arethusa into a fountain, after first having hidden her in a cloud to escape Alpheus, the river-god (Ovid, Metamorphoses V 621)
Iconclass-tunnus | 97 HH 1 |
laajempi käsite | naispuolisten henkilöiden muodonmuutokset vedeksi, ilmaksi tai muiksi elementeiksi |
nimi | Arethusa changed into a fountain: Diana changes her attendant Arethusa into a fountain, after first having hidden her in a cloud to escape Alpheus, the river-god (Ovid, Metamorphoses V 621) |
suppeampi käsite | Arethusa is turned into a fountain when pursued by the handsome hunter Alpheus (Pausanias V 7, 2) |