Iconclass-luokkakäsite: first stay of Aeneas in Sicily
Iconclass-tunnus | 96 B 18 |
laajempi käsite | Aeneaksen vaellus Italiaan: Troijasta Karthagoon (Vergilius, Aeneis II-III) |
nimi | first stay of Aeneas in Sicily |
suppeampi käsite | death of Anchises, on arrival in Sicily, Anchises, standing on the quarter-deck, offers unwatered wine and invokes the gods, the Trojans escape from Polyphemus and the Cyclopes, the Trojans meet Achaemenides, left behind by Ulysses in Polyphemus' cave, and take him with them, the Trojans pass Charybdis ~ Aeneid |