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kreikkalaisten seikkailut Troijan tuhon jälkeen: Odysseuksen harharetket (Homeros, Odysseia)
the end of the suitors
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Penelope announces she will marry the man who can shoot an arrow through twelve axe-rings, and produces Ulysses' bow (Homer, Odyssey XXI),
Ulysses seizes the bow, strings it and shoots through the twelve axe-rings,
Ulysses, assisted by Telemachus, kills the suitors (Homer, Odyssey XXII),
Ulysses, at the banquet with the suitors, is ridiculed again (Homer, Odyssey XX),
several attempts are made by the suitors of Penelope to string the bow; Penelope retires,
the punishment of the guilty servants ~ Ulysses back in Ithaca