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Iconclass-luokkakäsite: the sons of the seven heroes of the first Theban war, i.e. Aegialeus, Alcmaeon, Amphilochus (alternatively Polydorus or Euryalus), Diomedes, Promachus, Sthenelus and Thersander, decide to take up arms against Thebes


Iconclass-tunnus 94 B 21
laajempi käsite the Epigoni: the second Theban war
nimi the sons of the seven heroes of the first Theban war, i.e. Aegialeus, Alcmaeon, Amphilochus (alternatively Polydorus or Euryalus), Diomedes, Promachus, Sthenelus and Thersander, decide to take up arms against Thebes
suppeampi käsite Eriphyle is bribed by Thersander, son of Polynices, with the magic robe formerly belonging to Harmonia, to induce her son Alcmaeon to go with the Epigoni

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