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Argonauttien taru: Kultaisen Taljan etsintä
the Argonauts in Colchis
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Jason and Medea at the altar of Hecate (or Diana): Medea gives him a magic herb or ointment,
Jason and the Argonauts meeting Aeetes, king of Colchis,
Jason hitches the fire-breathing bulls to the plough,
Jasonin ja Medeian kohtaaminen: Medeia rakastuu Jasoniin ensisilmäyksellä, mahdollisesti Kupidon ampuessa nuolen Medeiaan,
after ploughing, Jason sows dragon's teeth; armed men emerge,
fight with the dragon; Jason sprinkles a drug in its eyes, possibly assisted by Medea,
the Argonauts and Medea go aboard, pursued by the Colchians