Iconclass-luokkakäsite: Tobiaan matka Ekbatanaan (Tobiaan kirja 4-6)
Iconclass-tunnus | 71 T 5 |
laajempi käsite | Tobiaan kirja |
nimi | Tobiaan matka Ekbatanaan (Tobiaan kirja 4-6), the journey to Ecbatana (Tobit 4-6) |
suppeampi käsite | Tobiaan ja enkeli Raafaelin matka, mukana Tobiaan koira, Tobiaan ja enkeli Raafaelin tapaaminen, Tobias and the angel Raphael continue their journey; usually Tobias carrying the fish, Tobias and the angel Raphael with Tobit (and Anna), Tobias captures the fish and pulls it on the land, Tobias taking leave of his parents; Anna mourns her son's departure, Tobias washes his feet in the river Tigris, the angel Raphael tells Tobias to cut the fish to pieces, the arrival at Ecbatana |