Iconclass-luokkakäsite: Elisha has Jehu anointed king of Israel (2 Kings 9:1-13)
Iconclass-tunnus | 71 N 5 |
laajempi käsite | story of Elisha (Eliseus) |
nimi | Elisha has Jehu anointed king of Israel (2 Kings 9:1-13) |
suppeampi käsite | Elisha sends one of the sons of the prophets to Ramoth with a jar of oil to anoint Jehu, the young prophet finds Jehu sitting with his fellow-officers, the young prophet goes inside with Jehu; there he pours the oil on Jehu's head and orders him to slay Ahab and all his family, when Jehu tells the officers about the young prophet's mission, they spread their cloaks on the stairs, blow trumpets and hail him |