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vihannekset ja yrtit
plants and herbs (with NAME),
vihannekset ja yrtit (NIMEN kanssa)
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plants and herbs: acanthus,
plants and herbs: aloe,
plants and herbs: amaranth,
plants and herbs: artichoke,
plants and herbs: basil,
plants and herbs: bean,
plants and herbs: cabbage,
plants and herbs: camomile,
plants and herbs: chondrilla,
plants and herbs: clover,
plants and herbs: dictamnus,
plants and herbs: field eryngo,
plants and herbs: flea-bane,
plants and herbs: garlic,
plants and herbs: germander,
plants and herbs: giant fennel,
plants and herbs: groundsel,
plants and herbs: hellebore,
plants and herbs: hemlock,
plants and herbs: henbane,
plants and herbs: hop,
plants and herbs: houseleek,
plants and herbs: hyssop,
plants and herbs: ivy,
plants and herbs: lettuce,
plants and herbs: mandrake,
plants and herbs: marjoram,
plants and herbs: mistletoe,
plants and herbs: nettle,
plants and herbs: origanum,
plants and herbs: pea,
plants and herbs: pennyroyal,
plants and herbs: peony,
plants and herbs: pumpkin,
plants and herbs: reed,
plants and herbs: rocket,
plants and herbs: rue,
plants and herbs: saffron,
plants and herbs: sage,
plants and herbs: stinging-nettle,
plants and herbs: strawberry,
plants and herbs: sundew,
plants and herbs: thistle,
plants and herbs: thyme,
plants and herbs: water-hemlock,
plants and herbs: wheat,
plants and herbs: wormwood,
vihannekset ja yrtit: lupiini