Iconclass-luokkakäsite: John of God of Granada, the founder of the order of the Brothers Hospitallers; possible attributes: beggars, child, collecting-box, crown of thorns, crucifix, pomegranate (with cross), sick people
Iconclass-tunnus | 11 H (JOHN OF GOD) |
laajempi käsite | miespuoliset pyhimykset (NIMEN kanssa) |
nimi | John of God of Granada, the founder of the order of the Brothers Hospitallers; possible attributes: beggars, child, collecting-box, crown of thorns, crucifix, pomegranate (with cross), sick people |
suppeampi käsite | early life of male saint, erityispiirteet ~ miespuolinen pyhimys, glory of St. John of God: he is crowned with thorns by the Virgin Mary and Christ, miespuolinen pyhimys osana ryhmää, miespuolisen pyhimyksen martyyrius, kärsimys, onnettomuus, kuolema, miraculous activities and events ~ St. John of God, non-miraculous activities and events ~ male saint, personal devotion of St. John of God, portrait of male saint, post-mortem occurrences ~ male saint |