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YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: julkinen hallinto


Branch of political science dealing primarily with the planning, operation, and supervision of government agencies, programs, and functions, as well as the determination and implementation of public policy.

altLabel julkishallinto
definedConcept Y1569
id 300254069
kuvaus Branch of political science dealing primarily with the planning, operation, and supervision of government agencies, programs, and functions, as well as the determination and implementation of public policy.
laajempi käsite valtiotieteet
liittyy itsehallinto, julkinen sektori
nimi julkinen hallinto, offentlig förvaltning, public administration
on sama kuin Julkinen hallinto
practitioners students public administrators
prefLabel julkinen hallinto, offentlig förvaltning, public administration
vastaa p300254069, p775
yläluokka hallinto

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