luokka, käsite, YSO-käsite, Avainsana, AAT-käsite: teologia
Study of religious doctrines and practices as understood within a particular religious tradition, usually from the viewpoint of committed religious believers.
actual | teologia |
definedConcept | Y5331 |
id | 300054313 |
kuvaus | Study of religious doctrines and practices as understood within a particular religious tradition, usually from the viewpoint of committed religious believers. |
laajempi käsite | religion-related disciplines |
liittyy | Kolme teologista hyvettä, Theology (as one of the faculties), teologia; 'Theologia' (Ripa) |
nimi | teologi, teologia, theology |
nimi | Teologi, Teologia, Theology |
on sama kuin | Teologia |
prefLabel | teologi, teologia, theology |
vastaa | Teologia, p300054313, p3830, teologia, teologia |
yläluokka | humanistiset tieteet, tieteet |